Mark Levin Podcast | Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 5/15/20

2020-05-16 37

Mark Levin Podcast | Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 5/15/20
On Friday's Mark Levin show, the media is always at odds with conservatives and this President yet they claim to believe in a free press. This has gone on for too long! We don't have a free press, we have statist, progressives and propagandists. President Trump was right to say that fake news is the enemy of the people. We have every reason to question the veracity of the media's claims because too often they have demonstrated that they don't practice what they preach, they are propagandists. Anchors fail to be objective day in and day out. Then, during the great famine of 1932 Joseph Stalin decreed that all grain grown belonged to the state and sentenced dissenters to death. This however was given next to no coverage by the New York Times. Yet, the New York Times' Peter Baker has no issue maligning this program and misstating the facts. However, the Times remains silent on the injustice towards fellow journalist James Rosen who was threatened by the Obama administration for not revealing a source and violating the espionage act. Later, the malfeasance of the Obama Administration goes largely unnoticed with respect to high-level officials in his Administration acting to sabotage the Trump campaign and presidency. Afterward, Joe Biden hosts a virtual town hall and fumbles through it. Biden then paused to say all victims of sexual assault should be heard before saying Tara Reade's claim was false. Biden ended by saying those that don't believe him shouldn't vote for him if they believe her.